About The Members Club At Woodcreek:

World renowned golf course designer Tom Fazio has skillfully molded the unique Midlands environment and topography into a scenic, challenging course that reveals moreof its subtleties each time you play. Winding through hardwoods, wetlands, hills and valleys, Woodcreek is a natural beauty. You will encounter dazzling displays of wildflowers, natural streams and lakes. Driving through the Pecan Grove between holes 16 and 17, you will experience the powerful and unmistakable presence of Nature itself, as if you have stepped back in time...or out of it...into a place of absolute stillness.

Even though the course sits in a residential development, the setbacks are such that you never feel as though you are playing through back yards. Each hole sits on its own and you feel like you are the only group on the golf course. Woodcreek’s serenity and tranquility lets you concentrate on your game, enjoy the company of friends and experience the essence of the sport...the way it was meant to be played.
The Woodcreek course is closed on Mondays for maintenance. Tee times start at 8:00am and the course is open until dark.

The Members Club At Woodcreek location shown on map:

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